Sunday, July 15, 2012

Michael Douglas Back In Court To Face Ex

It has been a messy split for Michael Douglas and his ex, Diandra Douglas, even though they split quite a few years ago.
In the divorce, it was said that Diandra would be getting a portion of what Michael has earned in movies he did during their marriage.
That's the reason why Michael can't figure out [...]


The good news is she's gotten the help she needed to overcome all of those dark feelings she had last year and she's now a better person for it.

Demi Lovato is taking her struggle and turning it into inspiration for other girls like her. As she is now out of rehab, Demi is getting involved in projects that not only challenge her creatively, but also allow her to reach out to her fans in a positive way.

One of those projects is her new role as a contributing editor for Seventeen Magazine. Last week, she did a quick Q&A for the mag's website about what she's been going through, but this week, she's the cover story for the upcoming issue. In her interview she reveals the harrowing ordeal she went through and how the people she loved the most stepped in to help her. She explained:

“I basically had a nervous breakdown. I was really bad off. My parents and manager pulled me aside and said, ‘You need to get some help.’ It was an intervention. I wanted freedom from the inner demons. I wanted to start my life over.”

And so, she did and she is better off for it.

So strong. So tough. We continue to feel such pride in knowing how hard things were for her, yet how brave she was to do what so many others are afraid to do - face the demons.

Good for you, Demi! You know you always have us in your corner.

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