Saturday, June 2, 2012

Franco Letterman Argue Over Who Sucks More…At Oscar Hosting!

We know who we'd pick…but let's hear them out all the same!
Last night, James Franco was on The Late Show and he got into a rousing argument with David Letterman over who was the worst host of the Oscars - him or David!
David said himself, but James argued his own case.
Check out the video (above) [...]


Apparently, they want their money back…now!

Mimran Schur Pictures, led by David Mimran and Jordan Schur, filed a lawsuit yesterday against Nu Image and Millennium Films because their flick Stone, starring Robert DeNiro, returned little to no profit, none of which they saw a penny of.

Welcome to independent film making!

The story goes that the newbie film financing company put up nearly $6 million in 2010 to bankroll this film. They believed in it that much and they assumed they would make that money back and then some. Unfortunately, the movie bombed on top of being sold to distributors for a less than desirable sum. Besides that, these guys were way down the list on getting their money back. First, the producers had to pay their loan back to Comericia Bank. Then, they had to pay their international sales agent 5% commission. But after that was all squared away, they would get taken care off.

But they day hasn't and probably won't ever come, so now, instead of waiting, they're suing for their investment back…and then some, claiming they were duped into the thinking the foreign distribution sale would more than make up their initial investment.

Sorry guys, but that is just how the Hollywood cookie crumbles. Your money is gone and if the movie didn't do well, its unlikely that they have that kind of dough to give anyway! Whoops!

[Image via WENN.]

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